This plugin does for chat what sv_alltalk does for voice. Dead and alive and spectating players can all see each others chat messages. Team chat is still only visible among your team, but with no regard for whether you are dead or alive. By default this plugin works depending on whether or not sv_alltalk is on. It can be forced to be on all the time, as well as setting custom colors for messages that come from admins.
Scurta descriere: Tot ce e scris in chat poate fi vazut de toti jucatorii, nu numai de cei morti sau de cei vii. Ex: Daca unu mort scrie ceva pot vedea toti ce a scris nu numai cei morti cum este in cs normal. + cu acest plugin poti stabili ca in chat sa se scrie cu culoarea verde , alb, sau echipa sa scrie cu culoarea lor reprezentativa.
*First value is default
sv_allchat <1>
1 - Dependent on sv_alltalk
2 - Always active
0 - Disabled
ac_namecolor <0>
ac_msgcolor <1>
0 - Team color
1 - Green
2 - White
ac_hidestatus <0>
0 = Show dead/spec status.
1 = Hide status.
ac_teamchat <0>
0 = Dead and living can't team chat.
1 = Dead and living can team chat.
Get Allchat (allchat.amx) from or Get sma (allchat.sma) from